Thursday, August 22, 2019

Another Addiction

Today I thought I would share my latest addiction: copper clay! Yes, I have been completely immersed and cannot stop myself.

I guess I will be forced today because I only have a bit left. Sad....

Here are some pics of what it looks like.

I will try to update my progress, but as many of you know, I mostly post on my website Artful Gems
Hopefully you will follow me there!

Now you may also contact me on my site email!


Saturday, April 27, 2019

Artful Gems

And here we go again...

A woman owned business is, shall I say, hectic for lack of a better word. I knew this going in. However, I didn't know that everything could go wrong at the same time. I am behind in every possible area and it has shut me down.

That is the case right now, but I am getting up again.

It's hard, and I knew it from the beginning! I went into it 100%, but the challenges are more than just keeping a website. I maintain the site and all its technical aspects, as well as write the blog. I design and produce the pieces, and they must meet my standards.

I am in charge of advertising. I'm sure you know that requires a full time person. I am also customer service. You get the gist; the list is long.

Although I keep up the website, I have had the help of some very good people. One in particular has really gotten me out of some tough issues. But, I sometimes cannot reach out because I feel it is up to me. My project, my problems. Needless to say, I am overwhelmed.

I've mentioned before that I have gone down this road before and given up. I vowed that this time, I wouldn't!

So, although this is not my main blog, I do like to come to it and update every once in a while. I have fallen way behind.

For those of you who don't know, this is the history. I started with YourTreasuredDesigns. Because the dotcom was taken, I went with a dotme. I did not care for it but I lived with it.

I gave up on all of it around 2010. Then, I caught the bug again in 2016 and by 2017, I started blogging again and making designs. By 2018, Tesoros was born.

Tesoros is now Artful Gems. Although I love the new name, the change did not happen by choice. I went through the same issue. The dotcom for Tesoros was already taken and I simply wasn't happy with dotonline. Hence, was born. And, people have reacted positively to the change.

I thought all was great until I went to register the business and  I find that Artful Gems has already been taken.  I think this is the reason for my latest shutdown. I have these plans and ideas in my head, and get totally excited. But, I forget to research things before I go all in...

For both names,  I was so sure that I purchased business cards, shirts, customer gifts, and even more importantly, jewelry tags. It's been really disheartening to see my ideas backfire.

I know that businesses will have their ups and downs. But I am a positive person who believes that if you can think it, you can do it. I guess I fail to allow for mishaps that I should just take in stride. Instead, I see them as business enders.

I'm writing this because I don't want to give up on Artful Gems. Maybe putting it in writing will help with the process to get me going. Now that Spring is underway and soon I will be off for the Summer, I'm picking up the pieces and organizing myself. Writing today seems to be helping me figure thing out. I want this! Why should I not fight for it?

As you look at some things around this blog, some pictures will send you to a broken link. I'm working on fixing this!

What works for sure is! But, in the blog section, as well as in the shop, there are still some links that are broken. Please bear with me as I work on redirecting them. I am sure there is a way to do them in bulk, but I have yet to figure it out.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


I have been creating pieces and haven't updated my blog but finally,,, 
Latest post!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

New Post

Check out my new post!

Talent Is a Gift from God

And, many pieces have free shipping!!!!


Your support helps keep new aspiring artists in business. And, did you know that more of the money spent on local businesses stays in the community?

Pretty Scarves

Infinity scarf in blue Indigo

Infinity scarf in blue Sea-foam

If interested, leave me a message or email me!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Quick Thoughts

Hello everyone,

So I wanted to do a quick update of the progress of Tesoros. I have been all in! I am thoroughly enjoying it all. The highs and the lows, the successes and the failures... From all I am learning...

Right this very moment, though, I'm regretting my choice of store name. I have to really think about this because I have invested quite a bit of money on designs. So, we'll see. 

Other than that, I have been blogging regularly and wish that I could do the same here but it would just be duplicate posts... I have to think about what I wish to do with this blog. I don't want to just chuck it...

No, I wouldn't be hurting anybody because as you can very well see, I do not have many followers so, no one will miss me. But still, I have been here for a while now...

Just wanted to touch base and write. No matter what I decide about the name, one thing is for sure: I will be making jewelry. This is what I am meant to do. I seem to be gravitating more towards metals but, that's about it.

Live your life to the fullest! Do what feels good to you and when there are questions about your journey, contemplate. Don't dwell. Things seem to have a way of working themselves out!


Friday, December 29, 2017

New Blog on

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

tesoros jewelry, jewelry, gifts, her, him

My new store, Tesoros is up and running. I received my Certificate of Authority from New York State and I believe  I am good to go!!!!

Also, although I will blog on here sometimes, my new official blog will be found on my website. I began blogging on December 17 while I was waiting for the certificate to arrive.

I will be blogging about my life, my life around jewelry, jewelry, trends, the spiritual aspect of stones and metals, as well as their metaphysical properties. I will discuss stones and metals from their physical state to their ethereal manner. In essence, everything I know, understand, and have researched about myself and my connection to jewelry.

I will also do my best to bring in my knowledge of cultures and their myths and beliefs. This is one thing that really excites me! I love to learn about other cultures and their faiths. I have learned that as much as people talk about our differences and try and create wedges between us, we are actually more alike than everyone wants to believe.

This is where I am right now. Life changes in the blink of an eye and we never know what tomorrow has in store for us. I am very happy to be where I am and see only positives in my future!

I do want to finish with the following: most of the pictures that I use here and now will use on my new blog come from the web, mostly from, unless, of course they are my handmade pieces for sale or commission.

sterling silver, blue jade, tesoros jewelry, earrings
Check out some of my earrings on Tesoros